IT transformation and program management with a focus on measurable improvement over time.

Managed Services

IT as-a-service with a focus on help desk support and maintenance of critical equipment and systems.


IT personel to fill positions on a temporary or ongoing basis, as well as mentoring and coaching services for key staff.

A new I.T. landscape..

"Over recent years we've seen a significant shift in how businesses define the information technology function - it has become more focused on information and less on the underlying technology"..

"With a mega-trend emerging towards outsourcing technical components of business infrastrucutre; a need has arisen for a new type of IT department"..

Facilitate Technology offers a modern day approach to business I.T.

We don’t sell off-the-shelf technical solutions like most of our competitors, but rather seek to provide a business focused, non-bias solution to whatever obstacles your organisation is facing. Our aim is to form a unique, human orientated partnership with our clients, where it's our responsibility to represent you within a complex and sometimes overwhelming industry.



Our Improvement and Planning service is where it all starts. In a new engagement, our task is to initially assess the current environment and to paint a clear picture of the client's business goals in order to accurately determine where the information technology gaps are and what challenges the client is facing.


All businesses, small and large, require some form of computer system to function. Traditionally, such computer systems are located and managed on-site by technical staff or in more recent times, located in the cloud, where the basic equipment is maintained by the cloud service provider.


The most important component of the information technology function is the human element. One thing that distinguishes the IT industry from others, is the frequency of change and improvement; therefore an effective IT department requires a continuous focus on up-skilling to ensure it remains effective as a means of competitive advantage.

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Latest news..

02 APR
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 end of life..

July 14th 2015 is the official end of extended support date for Windows Server 2003 products. Last year we saw clients rush to upgrade their Windows XP desktops although it appears that everyone is taking a more prudent approach with their servers. If it hasn't already been discussed with us, we recommend that an upgrade plan be prepared as soon as possible, so please contact your support managers to discuss further.

27 MAR
Changes in weather demonstrate the importance of DR planning for businesses of all sizes..

The past months have seen an increase in hardware failures due to the changing weather. This simply highlights the need for a solid power and ambient temperature control system for all server rooms, no matter how small. In some cases we've seen disasters due to outdated hardware, where our recommended refresh schedule hasn't been followed; so please discuss this with your support manager prior to the warmer months at the end of the year.

Client's say..

Scott Macdonald (Director, Barrie Macdonald & Ass.)

We've been using Facilitate as an technology partner for over 10 years now. Being a smaller business, we don't have the luxuary of hiring a team of experts so outsourcing was always going to be the more viable option; with Facilitate you get more than a help desk number, you get a team that bats for your business.

Bernardo Balmaceda (CFO, Foresters.)

Our Facilitate Technology account manager's service over the years has been very commendable and consistent and their work ethic is top quality and professional. We greatly value Facilitate Technology's guidence in transforming our company's IT and keeping us ahead of the game.